Thursday, February 15, 2007

Task 1-- Set up a Free Webmail Account

As I finish up my Learning 2.0 tasks, I'm reflecting on my introduction several years ago to the wired world in library school, and through my student job at the University of Washington Libraries Resource Sharing Service.

It all seems a bit on the primitive side now-- using esoteric algorithms to search OCLC and WLN, BRS and DIALOG. I was introduced to email at my first librarian job at Sno-Isle Regional Library. I gazed at fuzzy orange text on a black screen at a shared computer. It was another century, technologically as well as literally.

I've had several email accounts over the years, both at my library jobs, and from Hotmail to AOL and Yahoo. I'm still amazed I can find email addresses for a historical society in Minnesota, a professor at Yale, a regional federal archives office, and newly-discovered relatives in Illinois and Arizona, and make contact.

We've come a long way from ARPANET.

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